How to Pick a Lock with a Credit Card? So Easy!
Do you want to learn how to pick a lock with a credit card? Check to see if your door can be opened with a credit card. If so, place the card in a perpendicular position on the door’s crack. Slide the card upward or downward while applying pressure to the latch.
This tutorial will teach you how to break into your house without the use of any tools other than your credit card. Picking a lock with a credit card could also take only a few seconds, depending on how skilled you are at shimming door locks.
Choosing a Card
Unlocking a door with a credit card is not as simple as it appears in the movies. The card being used will be subjected to a great deal of wiggling and bending—this is not the type of stress you want to put on your credit cards. That should be left to the bills.
Furthermore, credit cards are too thick and stiff to be used effectively and may even break.
For these reasons, I advise you to use something lighter, more flexible, and less valuable than a credit card, such as:
Gift certificates
Cards of membership
Hotel keys from the past
Insurance certificates
If you don’t have any cards, you can even cut a strip from a plastic soda bottle!
How to Pick a Lock with a Credit Card?
Step 1: Determine whether your door can be opened with a credit card.
Before you begin, check to see if you have a door that can be easily bypassed with a credit card. Some of the doors have deadbolts that can only be retracted with the use of keys and lock picks. Others have slants away from you. There may also be barriers that prevent you from using a card to open the door.
Step 2: Place the card perpendicular to the crack of the door.
Insert your card into the door crack if the door can be bypassed. Check that the card is perpendicular to the ground.Push it into the crack until one edge of the card is inside. If you’re not sure where the door jamb is, simply push the door open with your arms to make the jamb visible so you can find it.
Step 3: Slide the card up or down while applying pressure.
Once the card has been properly placed, move it up and down while applying the appropriate amount of pressure. It would be beneficial if you lean your entire body against the door to push it open. You can also wiggle the doorknob as you move the card upward and downward.Repeat this procedure until the door opens successfully. For these reasons, I advise you to use something lighter, more flexible, and less valuable than a credit card, such as:
- Gift certificates
- Cards of membership
- Hotel keys from the past
- Insurance certificates
Picking Set for Credit Card Locks
In addition to using a credit card to unlock doors, lock picking sets that fit inside your wallet are available.
These lock pick sets include all of the basic picks needed to bypass most pin tumbler locks, are extremely inexpensive, simple to use, and well-made.
Grim Key Lock Picking and Escape Card is my favorite credit card lock pick set. My full review of this card, as well as some others, can be found in my best wallet lock pick card buyers guide.
What locks would be difficult or impossible for me to pick with a credit card?
All types of deadbolts, knob locks with slants that are not facing you, locks with plates or molding that block your card, and slide locks that are not visible because they are inside or behind the door are all locks that may be difficult or impossible to pick with a credit card.
What other types of cards can I use to open my door if I don’t have a credit card?
If you don’t have a credit card, there are other options available to you. Gift cards, membership cards, old hotel cards, and insurance cards are among them. They must, however, be both flexible and robust.
Is it possible that I will cause damage to the lock?
This is determined by how you pick the lock. If you are too rough or impatient, you may damage your lock or break the card, which will only block the door and make it more difficult to open.
Can I use this method to break into other people’s homes?
First and foremost, you must not break into other people’s homes because you will face serious criminal charges. Depending on the type of door lock you have, picking locks with a credit card may work in your own home.

You now understand how to pick a lock with a credit card! If you enjoyed this little guide, please remember to help us out by sharing it with your friends!
Also, if you want to learn more about lock picking, consider visiting my lock picking Academy, where you can find even more free guides and techniques.
We would also like to hear about any successes, failures, or questions. Please leave a comment below!
Have fun picking!